Medical ID

Late last month Amy T of talked about using tattoos for medical ID. The article was informative and entertaining.
One item that especially interested me were the temporary medical ID tattoos. For those without kids, these temporary tattoos usually last 3-5 days before they simply wear off. If you're determined (or if your child has put one on their forehead or something), you can get them off with some determination and elbow grease.
I usually do wear a medical ID bracelet. I had trouble with these for many years growing up until my wife bought me a very nice gold one that has lasted over 10 years and is still going. There are times though that I don't want to wear the bracelet. While playing basketball or working out for example.
I thought the medical ID temporary tattoo would be a good idea, so I ordered some. They are very affordable. Each order comes with 14 tattoos. When I purchased mine there was a special price of $2.95 (regular price of $5.95) plus shipping. I was pleasantly surprised to find that their online store accepted paypal, which I like.
I applied the tattoo last night, and it went on just fine. To my surprise I found it glows in the dark! I was surprised again this morning when checking it, it has a very "worn" look to it, even though I applied it just last night. We'll see how it holds up.
Those temp. tattoos never stay on...and probably if you sweat they will come off even faster
Thanks for being the "Gineau Pig" here; of course I haven't actually got around to ordering them yet.
I still think they'd be cool for a one-day event like a day hike or bike ride, when you don't want to mess with body tags, but really need to be "marked" in case of a low.
Keep us posted!
Thanks Scott. I ordered some too and my son loved them! They actually stayed on him for about 3 days. Even through all the baths. LOL. You will all have to try them.
I have been very pleased with the temp tatoos. As a paramedic I am not allowed to wear any jewelry (except a necklace, but it was always falling out of my shirt and in the way).
I never really liked the idea of having a real tattoo anywhere on my bod, but now I have type1 'betes' I'm really tempted to have the med alert sign permanantly inked onto my wrist. The temp ones are a good idea but if you're gonna keep applying transfers every 5 days why not have the permanaent option which doesn't fade?
Anyone out there had a go with the real deal?
Hi i'm diabetic since i was 12 and i have 3 tatto's and never had a problem with them healing, i was online trying to find a good picture of a diabetic medical id to get tattoed on my wrist, when i cam across your site...
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There is some very nice medical jewewlry available at Some in gold and silver. Necklaces, bracelets atc.
I own a fine art tattoo studio in florida. A young lady flew from Maine to my shop to receive her diabetic tattoo (yes, the real thing).
Check out the links:
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